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Calculate Wh per km to kWh per 100km
Wh/km to kWh/100km

(Use kWh/100km to determine electricity
cost using the link below.)

kWh per 100km: 0.00


Electric Vehicle Cost Calculator
Use the Electric Vehicle Cost Calculator to determine the cost of
electricity for travelling a given distance using your
kWh per 100 kilometres value. Click here.



The Wh per km calculator was created because Tesla displays the Wh/km figure. The most common energy consumption figure used in Australia is kWh/100km. This calculator converts between Wh/km to kWh/100km.


Wh/km: Enter the Wh/km figure as shown on the Tesla display and click Submit.

kWh/100km: After clicking Submit the kWh/100km will be displayed. You can then click on the link to use this figure in the Electric Vehicle Cost Calculator.


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