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Calculate kWh Per 100km
kilowatt hour per 100 kilometre

(Use kWh/100km to determine electricity
cost using the link below.)

Distance in km:
Electricity used in kWh:
kWh per 100km: 0.00


Electric Vehicle Cost Calculator
Use the Electric Vehicle Cost Calculator to determine the cost of
electricity for travelling a given distance using your
kWh per 100 kilometres value. Click here.



The kWh per 100km calculator enables you to quickly convert to the standard kWh per 100km given a distance and the amount of electricity used for the distance.


Distance: Enter the distance. A good way to determine the distance is to set your trip meter back to zero when you recharge. Recharge your EV as full as you can and then when you next recharge, recharge again as full as you can. This is now the amount of electricity used for the distance on the trip meter. For a more accurate reading repeat this a couple of times and then average the result.

Electricity in kWh: Enter the amount of electricity you used corresponding to the distance travelled. You can get the kWh from either the EV's statistics. Note this is not the amount of electricity used to charge the car.


Determine your kWh per 100km for city driving and country driving separately. It's most likely you'll most drive your normal urban routes, but when you do a long trip, it's best to use the country driving figure to estimate better.

The bold link to the Electric Vehicle Cost Calculator passes across the kWh/100km value to save retyping the value.


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